Sunday, January 4, 2009

Laziness and Apathy

So apparently it hasn't set in that I'm leaving in 3 days, packing's barely begun and I've wasted away, partially due to a post-new years-celebratory cold and also by sitting on my ass and watching an unnamed, slightly emasculating television show (Serena's mad hot though).

I recently had a nice gustatory experience at one of Canada's purported top Sushi restaurants, Sushi Kaji. Shared omakase with the missus and enjoyed the subtle taste creations of Kaji-San and his staff. Unfortunately, I mistook a layer of salt under a sea crab shell for the mountain potato that was described in the menu and enjoyed a nice 10 minute sodium shocker to the system. Meal was great, sushi was alright (New York fish > Toronto fish IMO), and I would visit again when I start generating some legit cash flow.

First Track I'm Posting (Tudor=music right? It was unavoidable):
Dirty Impact - All I Really Want (Barnes & Heatcliff Club Mix)

This track was found thanks to the beauty of online music boards (Laidback Luke's website forum in this case) and a small purchase on Beatport. I had heard this track on a Laidback Luke mix back in October and had wanted to use it in a set, yet nobody had ID'ed it, even in the forums. I joined, posted a question asking if ANYBODY had since ID'ed the track, and somebody replied with the track information a few days later. While this won't incentivize me to live on the forumosphere like some shaggy characters I know (ahem....Truckle), it's made me realize that there are some friendly and helpful people out there online, and not just a lot of flamers and racist rednecks. The track itself is a great four to the floor electro-house track with a pulsating beat that just drives itself forward. Great mid-set track in an electro/progressive house mix, as it keeps the vibe going without being a banger itself.

Next post will hopefully be in Van City, where I have an inexplicable 36-hour layover. Anybody with suggestions of places to go in Downtown Vancouver for somebody with only a day to sightsee, please let me know. Left Side WUTT

1 comment:

  1. Left coast WUTT?
    I find it odd that you are going east but are flying to the westside first. Have fun in van city. Jump in some puddles for me.
